• Born in Nepal Kunda Dixit is one of the country's leading journalists and editors, and an international authority on the Press in Asia. He is founder editor and publisher of the Nepali Times, and co-publisher of Himal magazine [http://www.himalmag.com]
  • Kunda Dixit was Asia-Pacific Director of the Inter Press Service from 1990 to 1996 and Director of the Panos Institute South Asia from 1997 to 2000.
  • For the Media South Asia Project, Kunda Dixit collaborated with Deepak Thapa in collating information in the media in Nepal and conducting interviews with leading media practitioners and observers in Nepal. He hosted a conference of Media South Asia Project Research Associates at Panos South Asia in Kathmandu (July 1998)
  • His publications include Dateline Earth: Journalism as if the Planet Mattered (Inter Press Service, 1997) and numerous articles in the print media and online on contemporary media issues and information technology.

    Nepali Times,
    Email kunda@nepalitimes.com
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